
“It was not easy to look at my emotions, compare them to Scripture, and apply the truth of God’s Word, but what resulted was freedom and healing that I didn’t think was possible. It was with the help of my counselor that she pointed out weak areas in my life, helped me wade through lies I was believing, and then pointed me back to Scripture and God’s Word.”

“At our last session, my counselor and I celebrated how biblical counseling transformed my heart and allowed me to see past my agenda, my circumstances, and my ruling desires. By prescribing prayer, scripture reading and memorization, and productive homework, biblical counseling trained me and equipped me to change my vision. God’s gifts are clearly everywhere around me. For years, my mind has known this truth; today, my heart knows this truth.”

“Counseling taught me how to replace my negative thoughts with TRUTH, my depression with JOY, my selfishness with AIMING TO PLEASE GOD, my anxiety with CALMNESS, my anger with SELF CONTROL, my feelings of defeat with HOPE, and my grudges with FORGIVENESS. This is a perfect way to start taking your steps toward God and being held accountable while doing so. “

“I remember my first meeting with my counselor.  I was so sad, overwhelmed, worn out and somewhat lost. Instead of seeking God’s guidance, I was going through the motions of life. My counselor challenged me to read scripture and pray daily. As my counselor listened to my concerns and struggles,  I remember her helping me identify that people pleasing was an idol in my heart. Needless to say I was taken aback by that because I already knew this but for someone to voice it, it became real. Through prayer, Scripture, handouts, and supplemental books my counselor was able to point me to the hope I have in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Overtime,  I became excited about how God was working in my life and how the Bible was coming alive again.”